by Terry Lidral
Bucking Stock Talk Magazine is dedicated to promoting and serving the bucking stock industry and the sport of bull riding and the rough stock parts of rodeo. We are committed to providing our readers with important and useful information obtained from those who work in and understand the business. As BST, the bucking stock industry and the nation get back on track after the difficult days of 2020, the magazine has reorganized for a regular schedule for release of articles in all its categories. And there are plans for some exclusive interviews with some legendary figures.
BST always welcomes comments. And, since this magazine is for the bucking stock industry, we strongly encourage our readers to let us know what topics they would like to read about. We are open to suggestions for future articles. Some of our best articles have come from topics suggested by our readers.
New articles are in the works for the near future. Make sure to keep us on your radar and thanks for your readership. And have a great summer. We wish you “Too Much” rodeo!